 I attended your workshop at the end of last term and have introduced it to my class over the last few weeks and have seen some amazing changes in the kids. The mind shift is amazing as they have gone from little vessels waiting for filling (often not successfully!) to learners interested in the gaining (and retaining!!!!!) of relevant information. What amazes me most is that this truly is a differentiated program - each child is working on exactly what they need to be working on. It is amazing to watch - and watch I do because while they are working you could hear a pin drop in my room they are each so actively involved in gaining wisdom! And yes, they too ask if they can work on matrix during activity time!
Ali Colebeck
Hi Lindy, I just had to tell you how great the matrices are working with my year 6/7s. After the workshop at the Arkaba last term I really didn't hold out much hope for my year sevens using the spelling matrix but they really cannot get enough of it. Even the most disruptive in the class are asking if they can do their spelling.
Next week the Tables matrix.
Thank you for the opportunity to improve the students' learning through this system.
Best regards,
Rod Fraser
I am going to use Spelling Matrices for the rest of my teaching career……………… ……………………Jo Morrison……….Hackham East PS South Australia
Once you set up the Matrices they just run themselves and it's a lot less work for the teacher………………. …………………..Jan Hendrie……… Hackham East PS South Australia
Thanks for a most interesting and practical afternoon. I did not expect to enjoy a self imposed Saturday afternoon “school” time so much !!!
Like you, I attended the David Langford's four day conference, and I have also dabbled with a few matrices for my J.P. students. Howeveryour excellent workshop today has shown me just how much further it is possible to develop his “matrix” tool for my students and what amazing outcomes can be achieved. Thanks for the motivation and practical ideas.
Thanks again for sharing your skills and ideas with us all, RegardsChristine Gunn McLaren Vale Primary School
Dear Lindy,
Thanks a lot for Saturday's Presentation. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to implementing a number of your ideas-----but I'll start slow!! I'll definitely recommend your sessions to colleagues. Thanks again.
Cheers Shane
Hi Lindy,I gained a lot from your workshop and am excited to start using it with the students I support with literacy and numeracy needs. Thank you for your input. Pam Teakle
Dear Lindy On behalf of the staff who attended your conference today, we wish to thank you for an enjoyable and most informative session. I know I will certainly be trying my best to implement the matrices format more into my current program.
Thank you from all of us and look forward to hearing from you soon. Cheers Hayley and the other Seaford staff
